Advantages and disadvantages of digital education.


Digital education, in addition to being a change in the way of learning, can also bring some benefits such as:

Students to explore and learn, using a variety of tools, simulations, and models.

 Greater understanding of concepts, through structured processes.

 Integration of content and technology at low cost to educators and with a variety of instructional strategies available.

 Comprehension and validation of hypotheses and conclusions in a practical way, using interactive websites. In addition, it is possible to apply what has been learned in other contexts and bring external learning to the classroom.

 Multiple ways to evaluate, through interactive tools.


With the arrival of the pandemic comes the rise of virtual education, or hybrid education. However, this form of study has brought with it shortcomings and difficulties, both for the student population and for teachers, among which we find: 

Necessity of technological equipment that can support the weight of files and applications for study; these tend to be more expensive to be high end.

Difficulties in concentration and adequate study environment 

Delays and lack of a complete pedagogical program for

Produces a decline in the relationship and social participation of boys and girls

The presence of a routine is not efficiently given, increasing disorder and stress in the student body
