Digital Education

 ¿What is digital education?

Digital education is understood as that education, whether face-to-face or at a distance, that makes use of digital technologies such as cell phones, laptops, computers, tablets, etc. and that aims to acquire skills and abilities to learn, both for teachers and students in the process of permanent training.

How technology influences our day to day? 

Today, technological advances have influenced all levels of our lives.

 The technological revolution is evident in our daily lives, manifesting itself in our daily contact with a technological device. Thus, the educational field has not been exempt from technological influences.

In recent years there has been a huge transformation in education allowing a more interactive and participatory learning, favoring collaborative work in the classroom. 

 This has meant that educational institutions have had to rethink roles, functions and redesign the traditional education model with the help of ICTs. 

There is no doubt that this influence has allowed a revolution in teaching today.
